fredag 6 december 2019

Its close Important be blessed all Updated 2019-12-08 around time 01:44

Lk. 12:40 "Be prepared also, for in a moment when you do not wait, the Son of Man will come."

Sunday, April 1, 2012

"Prophecies of a Third World War.

Serious prophecy of our time - Signs of the Times
Published August 2004

A woman in Etnedal, Valdres, got a vision in 1968 about the future, the return of Jesus, the Third World War and the time that would precede this war. The well-known minister Emanuel Minos told a meeting in Malmö about this view.

"I had a call to visit a valley in Norway called Valdres and it was the State Church that invited me. I visited one Lutheran church after another and then I came to one in Valdres and there was an old woman. It was 1968, Notice the year, she was 90 at the time but completely finished.
When the meeting was over she came to me and she says like this: 'I have seen a vision, I have seen when the time for Jesus' coming is and what is to happen, and when the third world war breaks out. Do you want to write it down? '
I wrote it down in four departments. When I had written it down and looked at it, I said to myself: This cannot be read in a public congregation, it cannot be. So I put it in my drawer and there it has been all year and turned yellow.
So I'll do okay, throw away old stuff. You know what it is like when you have collected things for many years and I found it after many years, not too long ago (1993), and I read it again and I am amazed. The years have passed, but I am amazed. I asked in the church: 'This woman, what kind of woman is that? Oh, she's reliable, she's not swarmy, "they said." She's not that breathable. She is extremely reliable. ' She told me: 'I have never seen a vision before, this is the only vision I have received and the only message I have received this way'. Here's the view that the 90-year-old woman told Emanuel Minos in 1968:

Peace and disarmament
"I saw the world as a map that was rolled up in front of me. I saw Europe - country by country. I saw Scandinavia and I saw Norway. I saw some things that would happen shortly before Jesus returns (and the time of the congregation is over) and just before the big accident breaks loose over people, an accident we have never experienced before.

Before Jesus returns and the third world war breaks out, it will be a time of relaxation that we have never had before. There will be peace, and peace will be long. During that peace period there will be disarmament in many countries, also in Norway. The Third World War will start in a way no one had expected and from an unexpected direction, and we are as unprepared as we were April 9, 1940. "

Stupidity and waste in Christianity
"I saw that there will be an unprecedented slander among Christians. A waste of true and living Christianity. The Christians will not be open to seeking preaching the time before Jesus' return.
They will not listen to sin and grace, law and gospel, cure and repentance. Instead comes another kind of preaching, a kind of happiness Christianity. It is important to be successful and reach. It is about material things, in a way God had never promised.
Churches, free churches and prayer houses are becoming more and more empty. Instead of preaching to cross and follow Jesus, there will be entertainment, arts and culture, where there would be revival, distress and conversion meetings. This will happen to a great extent shortly before Jesus returns and the accident breaks loose over us. "

Moral resolution in society
"It will be a moral dissolution that Norway has not seen the husband. People will live as married without being married. There will be great impurity before marriage and there will be much unfaithfulness in marriage. Yes, even in Christian marriage infidelity is prevalent and they are being dissolved, and even perverse sins, sin against nature, are beginning to spread, and they are even being accepted in Christian circles.
Shortly before Jesus returns, there will be television shows that we have never experienced before. Television will be filled with violence so horrible that it will teach people to murder and take cabbage on each other, and it will be unsafe to walk the streets. People will notice what they see and there will not only be a variety on TV, but lots of variety. It will be just like we have it on the radio. We will be able to screw in one program after another, and it will be filled with violence and people will have this as entertainment.
The worst possible scenes of murder and violence against each other will appear and this will spread in the community. There will be scenes of intercourse. The most intimate things that happen in a marriage will appear in the box. It will happen and you (addressed to Emanuel Minos) will see it fulfilled. Laws that we now have will be broken down and the most immoral will appear right in front of our eyes. "

Immigration and the Third World War
"People from poor countries will pour into Europe. They will also come to Scandinavia and Norway. People will dislike being here and will be harsh to them. They will be treated more and more like the Jews were before the war. Then the measure of our sins is reached, and this will happen shortly before Jesus' return - and the third world war breaks out.

The war first begins as a small conflict, a minor conflict. But it does not end. It increases and spreads. In the end, it develops into a great war. Towards the end of the Great War, terrible weapons are taken into use, including nuclear weapons. Air, soil and water become poisoned and destroyed. The air will become so polluted that it is impossible to breathe it, and it will affect several continents, America, Europe, Japan, Australia - the rich countries.

The water will be destroyed. We can't farm the land there. The result is that a small residue remains. Those who remain in the rich countries will try to escape to the poorest countries, which are not injured, but they will treat us as we have treated them and not be so willing to accept. I'm glad I didn't get to experience this, but as time approaches, you have to take courage and travel around and warn and tell the people this as I've seen. "

************************************************** ****
Did the Prophet Predict the Third World War? - Holger Nilsson
Published June 2003

On August 3, 1864, a child was born on a farm near the town of Wolmaran Town in South Africa. It was a boy and he was given the long name of Nicolaas Pieter Johannes Janse van Rensburg. Nicolaas is the name most commonly used about him, when you do not call him the "Boer Prophet". For it is as a prophet that he is known in wide circles.

In the Bible, we can see God's principle of choice, when it comes to calling for the tools to use: "that which was for the world insensible and despised, and that which was nothing, God has chosen" 1 Cor. 1:28. This can be said of this Nicolaas Rensburg. His schooling was only 20 days. This was because the father needed him as his help at home in the yard. He really had no interest in working on the farm.
Instead, his interest was to sit and listen as the mother read from the Bible. It was also through the Bible that the mother, with difficulties, still managed to teach him to read. It was also the Bible that became the only book he came to read until his death. It was already as young as his mother began to notice that her son could "see" things, although he could not understand and understand what was happening to him.
Nicolaas was a godly man and already as a 21 year old he was elected as an "elder" in his ward.

Nicolaas had many visions and revelations about the future. Perhaps it was the vision he gained on September 16, 1899, that made him famous in wider circles. That day he predicted the end of the war between the Anglo-Boers.
Some of his comrades were so furious that they threatened to kill him. From that time, in 1899 until his death in 1926, he had more than 700 views regarding both his people and events in the world. Initially, his visions were spread orally only, but during the last ten years of his life these were written down by his daughter Anna.

These records of Nicolaas visions are preserved at the Lichtenburg Museum. We shall only mention here in our article some of these visions and predictions which he conveyed.

After receiving visions on December 12, 1917 and March 30, 1918, he spoke of the immorality increasing in the world. He saw how worldwide decadence, immorality and pornography would come into the world.

AIDS disease
He also saw a terrible sexual illness. This disease broke out in Africa and mainly many people died of it. It is then spread across the world. At that time, no one knew about the existence of AIDS.

Princess Diana's death
Professor AG Raath at the University of Orange Free State, states how on January 20, 1919, Nicolaas predicted what would prove to be the divorce between Prince Charles and Princess Diana. Nicolaas said that "a divorce hung over a British noble woman." After she died, we prepare a big choice. ”This was exactly what happened! After only a few days after Princess Diana's death, it was also a fulfillment regarding the election in South Africa.

It was not just this revelation of Princess Diana's divorce, which Nicolaas had. He had two more visions about her. In these he also saw how her sudden death threw the whole of England into grief. He also conveyed that she would die in a car accident. So with this clarity, Nicolaas talked about what would later come to his terrible fulfillment. There are far more out of Nicolaas visions that could be mentioned. Some examples of these include the end of the Boer War, Britain's cessation of colonial power, Ireland's independence, and World War I and World War II.

World War III
Regarding World War I he has also seen visions of a third world war. This would break out sometime in the early 2000s. It is said of the Prophet that he: "described the events on the battlefield of the world in such detail as if he himself had been an eyewitness." Among other things, he talks about how the armies used: "Terrible radiation that will cause death and destruction from above. and from the bottom and lower the world in blood. "

What we have presented here is one of the visions that this strange man from South Africa had to convey. There are certainly many who have taken great notice of these with great surprise. We are aware that not least the view in which he talks about a third world war can be perceived as ominous. However, we do not want to withhold our readers this. Jesus himself mentions that as a sign of the end of this age and his coming to:
"People shall rise against people and kingdom against kingdom" Matt. 24: 7th

It is time that we realize that we are living in a serious time, and it is also time to: "advance to the throne of grace to obtain mercy and find grace to help in due time."
Heb. 4:12.


Isa. 55: 6 "Seek ye the LORD while he is present, call upon him while he is near. 7 The wicked shall forsake his way, the unrighteous shall his thoughts, and turn unto the LORD, and he shall have mercy upon him, and upon our God; for he will forgive much.
8 My thoughts are not your thoughts, and your ways are not my ways, saith the LORD. 9 No, as much as the heavens are higher than the earth, so many are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts higher than your thoughts. "

Friday, May 11, 2012

Lawlessness in psychiatry and the pharmaceutical industry.

“Psychiatrists are a 'professional group' made up of individuals who commit rape, blackmail and fraud, and many of them have been jailed and fined. At least 10% of all psychiatrists commit sexual abuse against their patients, and every twenty victims are underage. "

Read on here and watch the video about the reality behind psychiatry:

Quote: “In the tearing up process against Breivik, forensic psychiatrists appear as a confused and incoherent group of self-proclaimed" experts "who are in strong internal conflict. The disagreement is so great, and is constantly being diluted with wild and diverse diagnoses from psychiatrists who have never even met Breivik, that the public does not know what to believe. The confusion is total… ”
Read more here: >>

Quote: "The massacre of 16 civilians in Afghanistan by an American soldier has something in common with just about every single school shooting in the United States - something the media refuses to report: those who shot had all received psychiatric treatment with psychoactive drugs. And virtually no one had been violent before the psychotic drugs. And the violence is increasing in pace with the psycho-drugs - which are used to get the soldiers to war… ”
Read on here: >>

"If you rely on antidepressant drugs to suppress emotional symptoms without first examining if there is any physical illness and curing it, the result may be that you provide the patient with a chemical solution to the problem and leave them with a disease that can be aggravated."
By Jan Eastgate, International Chairman, Committee on Human Rights
Read more here: >>

Also read:

Read the article about the fraud behind the pharmaceutical industry

“If any of you have the idea that the pharmaceutical industry is concerned about your health - forget it! It's just money they're interested in. And the authorities are just as criminal as the pharmaceutical companies. "
Quote: "Recently, a lecture was held in Uppsala with John Virapen, who was previously head of the pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly in Sweden. Virapen was active in the pharmaceutical industry for over 30 years before retiring. his colleagues used. In the US it is called being a whisteblower.
“What I'm telling you is truth. My experience gives me the opportunity to analyze the pharmaceutical industry and what they do. I know it inside and out. If I told you everything I know, Julian Assange would look like an amateur. "
Read more here: >>


Friday, May 11, 2012

Drugs that, with the support of the state, turn people into lawless robots.

2 Thess. 2: 7 "The secret of lawlessness is already in effect ..."

Quote: “200 million amphetamine tablets were distributed to German soldiers during World War II for better war. For a long time, the most effective amphetamine was searched for the soldiers. In the end, they decided on methamphetamine, which today is considered the most dangerous drug in the world with the fastest use. A drug containing methamphetamine for ADHD children has been released in the United States… ”

Quote: “A few words about methamphetamine. It is today considered the world's most dangerous drug. It is four times stronger than regular amphetamine but unlike ordinary amphetamine, methamphetamine is physically addictive and produces a strong withdrawal. Addicts go down very quickly and in just a few years you are 20 years old… ”

Quote: “Another odd use of amphetamine is the working elephants in Thailand who got amphetamine to work better. They became so aggressive that they were forced into drug rehabilitation.
This is given today to ADHD children in the United States under the beautifying name Desoxyn… ”
Read more here: >>


Quote: "It is probably the most bizarre state investigation ever. An investigation that revives the crime myth as a hereditary brain injury, requiring 25 to 45 percent of the country's prisoners to receive amphetamines. It is now registered with the Ministry of Justice… ”

Quote:   Economics psychiatrist Nilsson hits the drum, in his evaluation submitted to the Prison Service Better Late Than Never , for "medical treatment" which he claims makes fantastic benefit. It is a "prerequisite" for solving the problems of the inmates. Then, in one word, he does not mention the serious side effects that exist, nor that the preparations are not approved for criminals and addicts.
Writer Janne Larsson has done a comprehensive review of this project. He points out that, in his decision on amphetamine preparations of May 2009, the European Commission wrote:

“Psychiatric side effects of particular interest in relation to methylphenidate reported from clinical trials included aggression, violent behavior, psychosis, mania, agility and suicidality. Where available, information on the course of events after the drug was suggested suggested that methylphenidate may be a causal factor in the development of serious psychiatric illnesses. "
It has long been well documented that amphetamine is a very violent drug. This drug is thus to be given to Sweden's prisoners during and after the prison stay. And the dose the prisoners can get would send any person to the emergency if he or she took it for the first time. For example, addict physician Johan Franck writes 180 mg of Concerta to prisoners in the so-called Hague project, and even recommends 300 mg doses (!)
There are no follow-up results for any prisoner in the amphetamine project. That did not stop Nilsson's health economist from appearing already at the Medical Meeting in 2009, saying: "The project has been very successful and extremely economically economical" ... "
Read more here: >>


Quote: “A brand new survey of 900,000 children shows that the youngest in the class greatly increases the risk of an ADHD diagnosis. The boys born in December were 41 percent more likely to have ADHD drugs compared to peers born in January of that year; for girls, the risk increase was as much as 77 percent. Immaturity has now become ADHD… ”

The increasing lawlessness.

(Source: World Today)
Quote: "... Could it be that universal, moral, generally valid values ​​are being loosened up and razed in our western postmodernist society, and need to be defended and re-established? Establishing and defending basic ethical Christian values ​​requires courage, integrity and a strong, inner conviction. The easy way is a quiet contemplation and perseverance, where one continues the normlessness and moral decadence.

RFSL and RFSU have long advocated for breaking standards in the area of ​​sexual and family morals. A while ago RFSL Youth worked out the method material Break! which aims, among other things, to counter the heteronorm through queer pedagogy. The same theme goes again in the Sexual Knowledge Book and the accompanying movie "Sex on the Map", produced by RFSU and UR. The thesis is that everyone should be able to do what they themselves want "based on their own desire" and the goal is to break family, gender and sexual norms.
A society where the individual's detachment from each norm is at the center, becomes a lawless society. The fragmentation of families, the dissolution of marriage, the children's lack of attachment, a nonchalant and cynical view of the self-destructive behavior of the unborn and old and young girls are just a few symptoms. The Swedish athlete's and celebrity's desire for a clean conscience is telling for our time. The diagnosis is made. The medicine is needed more than ever. The truth of the Christian gospel offers every man the path to freedom that comes from a pure conscience. "

Mat. 24:10 “… And then many shall fall, and they shall betray one another, and hate one another.
11 Many false prophets will come forward and deceive many.
12 And as lawlessness increases, love will cool off in most people.
13 But he that endures to the end shall be saved.
14 And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached throughout the world for a witness unto all peoples, and then shall the end come. "



Lk. 12:40 "Be prepared also, for in a moment when you do not wait, the Son of Man will come."

Monday, September 30, 2013

Be prepared when Jesus comes back!

We live in a very revolving and even frightening time. Nothing is as much longer as it has been. It is as if the whole world was rocking in every area. Evil and darkness are increasing, and one wonders where it will end anywhere.
In the middle of it all, only the Lord is the fixed rock to abide by, the only rock that will last all the way into eternity.
Close to the Father's heart we can find a resting place where He surrounds us on all sides and holds us in His hand. This is the promise we have to trust, as God's children. We do not need to fear as we walk with the Lord because He will give us the strength and protection we need!
Despite all the worry about us, we as children of God can still feel His Peace in our hearts, the Peace that transcends all understanding.
God loves every human being on earth and He does not want the death of any sinner. He calls on people to turn away from sin, receive forgiveness and begin to believe in Jesus Christ. A believer's life is also a struggle many times, but the Lord is always with us through all the struggle and suffering. He never abandons his children and never leaves us.
God's love, grace, and mercy far surpass everything else. There is no security or saving in money, status or possessions. All this earthly is perishable and is not building its life on. The Kingdom of God, on the other hand, is a kingdom that can never falter, it will last forever.
Be prepared when Jesus comes back!
1 Thess. 5: 1 “When will all this happen? Yes, if we do not need to write to you, dear siblings,
2 for you know very well that the Lord Jesus returns as unexpectedly as a thief in the night.
3 Just when people say, "Everything is safe and secure," then they suffer ruin, as suddenly as when the painters put in a woman who is to give birth to a child. And no one should get away.
4 But you, dear siblings, do not live in spiritual darkness on these issues, and therefore that day cannot surprise you as a thief.

5 You all live in the light. Believers do not belong to darkness or night.
6 Therefore we must not sleep like the other people, but must keep awake and sober.
7 It is at night you sleep, and at night you drink drunk.
8 But we who live in the light must be sober and think clearly. We must protect our hearts with the breastplate of faith and love and use the hope of salvation as a helmet for our heads.
For God did not decide that one day we will suffer judgment, but that we will be saved through our Lord Jesus Christ.
10 He died for us, that we should live with him forever, whether we live or are dead when he returns.
11 Therefore, encourage one another and strengthen one another's faith, as you already do. "

(Bible text and explanations are taken from the Handbook for Life)
Explanation of verses 1-3 It is pointless and stupid to speculate at the time when Jesus will return. Never believe anyone who claims to know. Here it says that no one knows the time and that even the believers will be surprised.
The Lord will return suddenly and unexpectedly, Paul warns, so be prepared! So it can happen at any time. What if it is today? In what position would he find you? Are you ready to meet him? Live each day in such a way that you can meet him at any time.

Explanation of verse 2 In the day of the Lord, God will intervene dramatically in world events. The Old Testament foretells the Lord's day on several occasions (Isa. 13: 6-12; Joel 2: 28-32; Zeph. 1: 14-18). It comes with both punishment and blessing when Jesus judges sin and proclaims His eternal kingdom.
I Eph. 6: 10-19 it says about the believer's equipment.

Explanation of verses 9-11 Towards the end of a long race, it aches in the legs and burns in the throat. The whole body is waiting to put an end to the effort. This is when the spectators are most important. With their encouraging call in the back, you force yourself to the finish line.
This is how we Christians should encourage one another. A positive word at the right moment can mean the difference between a collapse just before the finish and a finish of the race with the honor in mind. Look around! Pay attention to the need for encouragement from others. Say a few words or show your support in practical action."



ivantanstid . blogspot . com

Thanks Anna.

Be Blessed All.

God bless all.

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