Those that has an income:
To the Biblically true congregations that preach the Biblically Gospel truth, we must support and give tith and offerings to as they do Gods Work, and its a commandments of God true Yahweh, God of Bible, Gods Word:
"Than the Lord of hosts got even angrier and said, “TITHES AND
Each of them had metal plate on their chest that read: “I am here for not giving tithes and offerings” When I read that, I asked the Lord, “Lord, how can this be possible, that people are here for this reason??” The Lord responded, “Yes, because these people thought that tithes and offerings were not important, when my Word(BIBLE its commands and commandments, all Gods laws) shows it as a command.” In Malachi 3:8-9 it says “Will a man rob God? Yet you are robbing Me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed Thee?’ In tithes and offerings. You are cursed with curse, for you are robbing Me, the whole nation of you.“
This of course only applies to them that have an income from a job etc or that has income or fortunes.
What does Bible, Gods Word, Says about Babylon Leave Babylon or get her plagues my people.
""Flee from Babylon! Run for your lives! Do not be destroyed because of her sins. It is time for the LORD's vengeance; he will repay her what she deserves."
Babylon is the current Church Systems they are Babylon and lukewarm and totally fallen Babylon is also Catholic Churches idol worship and Vatican and parts of USA Maybe, some cities in USA etc New york maybe, the Great Babylon City...
Biblically true fellowship and Biblically true congregations the few left like less then 50 one can fellowship with, but best is home fellowship avoid all unbiblically evils and all fallen unbiblically evil Churches Babylon and lukewarms etc. First said to some I would not publish this, but this must be published:
God is not in essence love but only in attribute, God´s essence is Holiness and Bible Gods Word is his essence. Gods attributes is Love, Justice and Wrath.
Gods holiness is dangerous for the unrepented ones:
Gods true Church is his bloodmade. Gods true temple is our human body, he, God Trinity Yahweh, lives in his few 8 Noa belivers Biblically daily repentive state ones, who loves Jesus Christ true of Bible, Gods Word.
God does not live in Church/houses buildnings made of tree and stone et:
God does not live in Church/houses buildnings made of tree and stone et:
To the Biblically few congregations that still preach the Biblically Gospel, we shall support those.
All of us that have an income from job as Bible, Gods Word, commands those to donate tith offerings by willingly their free will, but it is also a command by Bible, Gods Word, so the Biblically true Gospel gets preached around the World.
All of us that have an income from job as Bible, Gods Word, commands those to donate tith offerings by willingly their free will, but it is also a command by Bible, Gods Word, so the Biblically true Gospel gets preached around the World.
However the 99,9 percent fallen Babylonian/Lukewarm/Apostate Worldly fallen Christianity with its many false traditions witch has roots in pagan practises and false doctrines manmade ideas from people above Bible, Gods Word laws and
And all unbiblically evils with its 99,9 percent fallen Christian churches and its fallen idol Catholic and evil Vatican evil Churches with its evil unbiblicaly Catholic Pope and evils idols Mary saint worship and idols unbiblically faiths and all other idols (idols can be whatever that takes more time then Bible, Gods Word, read and do and Trinity Yahweh, God of Bible, Gods Word, in prayers and thinking meditate on et) 99,9 percent fallen Christianity and Wordly ways and Wordly churches and unbelief and other religions et, God wants us to leave all that :
And all unbiblically evils with its 99,9 percent fallen Christian churches and its fallen idol Catholic and evil Vatican evil Churches with its evil unbiblicaly Catholic Pope and evils idols Mary saint worship and idols unbiblically faiths and all other idols (idols can be whatever that takes more time then Bible, Gods Word, read and do and Trinity Yahweh, God of Bible, Gods Word, in prayers and thinking meditate on et) 99,9 percent fallen Christianity and Wordly ways and Wordly churches and unbelief and other religions et, God wants us to leave all that :
True Churches most is also fallen 99,9 percent and 99,9 percent Christians, Churches is not Gods Body, the Bride congregation is, its not required to attend unbiblically manmade babylon churches buildings with unbiblically traditions and manmade ideas and lawnessness and twisted false grace, and false unbiblically sabbath day sunday etc..
The Lord said to me:
My Bride is busy marching. I am sending her out. I will show the way, just follow Me.
I asked the Lord where the Bride is marching to and He replied:
They are listening to My voice. Like the sheep and the shepherd, they will follow Me.
I again asked the Lord where they were marching to and He said:
To follow Me, and others would then also follow, and we will become a Body, one Body. My Bride will start listening to My voice and they will wake up and follow Me. See what is about to happen. I am telling you it, before it happens.
My sons of God, stand up and speak. They (the Bride) will recognize My voice, listen and follow Me. I will make them strong in Me and they will obey and love Me. I am about to release and reveal My sons. They will speak with authority and the power of God will be in their mouths. You are one, My child. Beware of the wolves in sheep’s clothing that will come and distract you while you are doing My will. The spirit of Jezebel and jealously is behind it.
Drink from Me, the Fountain of Life, the Water of Life and I will give you rest.
I asked the Lord what He wanted to do with me.
He answered: I will send you to My sheep, the thirsty ones. You will direct them to Me and I will give them the water of Life.
I will let them march over mountains. As they walk as one, they will become stronger and a bright, shining warrior Bride.
Currently the Church is weak, her foundation is Babylon (Rev. 17). I will awaken My Bride. I will open the ears of the deaf and open the eyes of the blind and you will see how My Bride will follow Me. I will call her out of the system. Though some will hear and not obey, there will be those who will hear and follow Me in faith and they will understand the wisdom.
Do not be dismayed about the current church systems that you see and which upset you so much. My precious children are in there (Rev. 17:4), I will call them out, and many will hear Me. I, the Lord will call: Come out of her My people, come out of Babylon. (Rev. 18:4).
Many are called, but few are chosen. (Matt. 22:14). Many will hear My call, but will not listen. However, I will bless and reward those who do listen and they will receive a crown.
I love all My people, like the Israelites in the Old Testament, but because they did not obey Me, I gave them into the hands of Nebuchadnezzar, into Babylon (Rev. 17:16). The same will happen in the end as is written in Revelation 17. I will hand her over to the Anti-Christ. Yes, I will also discipline them for 1000 years, but they will understand that it was their choice and they will recall that I called them out and gave them all a choice.
My child. All the things I am telling you, you must write down. These words will make My Bride understand why I am calling her to abide only in My presence and not in some system where the foundation is not based on Me. I am a jealous God and I desire true, pure-hearted people, a people with the heart of David. Come before Me, repent, and ask for a clean heart and a renewed mind (Ps 51). I will draw you close and love you. I will protect you, shield you, and guide you.
Go tell: “… Come out of her, My people, that you do not participate in her sins and that you do not receive her plagues.” (Rev. 18:4)
“You cannot drink the Lord's cup and the demons' cup; you cannot partake of the Lord's table and of the demons' table.” (1 Cor. 10:21)
Man is standing at a crossroad, and the choice now will change man’s destiny forever.
I am standing at the door knocking. If you truly and fully allow Me in and let Me be your God, Leader and King, I will direct your path. Focus on Me. Stop making idols of people. Stop listening to people I did not send.
Stop making plans that do not involve Me. Many times, you think that I have opened a door, but it was not Me. Why do you enquire from Me, but do not wait for Me to answer? Then when a door opens, you assume that it is from Me and later blame Me when something goes wrong. When I open a door, I will inform you and you will know it is real and blessed.
Why don’t My people wait on Me? Some just don’t understand that they should sit in silence and wait on Me. Others just mock the ones who do wait and say, “God wants us to do things”. Listen, there is a key- a great key. If you wait on Me in silence, come before Me, cleanse your heart and wait on Me to speak or to touch you, you will be filled with oil. You will receive oil from the Father and He will prepare you for the rapture. While you sit before Me in silence, I will fill you with oil and bless you. It is a great key. My son David used to do this as well.
I will also give swords to the people willing to walk with Me and eat and drink Me. Only those who eat and drink Me daily by eating and drinking My Word, will get that Sword (SWORD OF THE SPIRIT EPHESIANS 6 BIBLE, GODS WORD IS THE SWORD OF THE SPIRIT ALL EXPLAINED ABOVE). I will lead them in the Armageddon, because only those who have the Sword can fight against the Anti-Christ with Me. You get the Sword with oil while waiting on Me and eating and drinking Me (My Word, Bible, Gods Word).
Only those who are not in a Babylonian system can be part of My Bride. I came for a spotless, pure Bride only. If you are part of a Babylonian system, you are not spotless. My Son was not born in a “church system”. His birth was announced to shepherds and wise men, not to the priest of the temple. My Son was not part of temple traditions and times. He spoke and touched those who were seeking and were hungry for the truth. Can you see the parallel? You will recognize My Bride by seeking the rejected ones that are not part of the “church system” anymore. By My Grace, I visit the churches, but I will stop because after I have called them they must follow. There will be a final call.
All the things according to Matthew 24 are already happening on earth. My thoughts and plans for My Bride are good. I am building the warrior Bride and I, the Lord, will perfect her. I, the Lord, will do that through My Spirit.
Today I declare a new thing that will spring forth in the Spirit. Rivers of water will spring forth and all of those who thirst, let them come and drink. Today is a new day. Face the goal and set yourself to run this race to get to the end. There you will receive your prize. The great cloud of witnesses cannot be complete without you, therefore run this race with perseverance and complete it. (Heb. 12:1-2)
My child, today I want to teach you something new.
I asked the Lord what it was that He wanted to teach me.
He asked: Did you know that all My sheep can hear My voice?
I replied that I did, but that it was not new.
He said: But not all are My sheep and not all are My Bride. Many can hear Me and hear Me well, but not all My sheep obey Me. I am not first in their lives. They have too many idols in their lives and can therefore not discern Me. I am just a vague imagination to them. You hear Me well My child. Do you know why?
I asked: Your grace Lord?
His answer was: Yes, partly, but you put Me first in your life. You are obedient to Me and you have a clean and pure heart and hands before Me. That is why you hear Me so clearly.
All My sheep can hear Me like this. Put Me first in your life and obey Me in everything I ask of you and live a clean and pure life. Therefore remove all sin and repent before Me. Then make a 180 degree turn from your sin. Then I will be your God and you will be a people to Me. You will hear Me for I will cause the veil to fall from your eyes and ears so that you can walk with Me.
“Call unto Me, and I will answer you and tell you great and hidden things, which you do not know.” (Jer. 33:3)
Are you willing to lose your life as you know it in order to gain life? I, the Lord, can do more for you in one moment than you can try to achieve in a lifetime. I will deliver and save those who call on My Name (Jesus Christ). See that My plan is good and that I only want the best for you.
Listen and obey so that I can lead you into a land of promise as previously promised. I will never leave you, nor forsake you, My child. The time is now to leave all the things that you think is I and turn only to Me. Come and sit at My feet. Come and wait in My presence. Only I can fill you with oil and give you rest. Come into the secret place.
“He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High will abide in the shadow of the Almighty.” (Psa. 91:1)
I will give My angels charge over you to protect you. Come and run into Me and come and drink from My life-giving fountain. Only I, the Lord Jesus Christ, can give you fullness in life and rest and peace. Before the foundation of the world, I had a dream and plan for you. Will you allow Me to complete that dream and plan over you life? Do you want to fulfil your destiny in Me, the destiny I had in mind when I laid the foundations of the earth? Come My sheep, come to Me, let Me lead you and nurture you. I will give you water, rest, and peace. Come drink of Me!
No one can come to the Father except through Me, Jesus Christ. I will direct you to the Father. With the Father, you will find unspeakable love because He loved you first. The Father wants to reveal His love for you. Come to the Father. Be drawn to His heart, for He yearns for you because He loves you. The depth of My Father’s love for My sheep is so great and vast, that in all eternity it will be difficult to comprehend the Father’s love."
Clarifies that the Bible is God's Sword God is a Trinity with the sword of Yahweh, how will God in Trinity, Yahweh, give the sword to his bride, the answer must be, that.
Jesus the Son of God on the white horse is the Word of God and the Spirit of God and Trinity Yahweh, God, one with the Bible, God's word, yet, a sword from Jesus's mouth that he will fight with, Jesus righteous warrior against evil in the end times together with his 8 noa firsfruits bride and Elias leader Elijah group and elected selected etc in Armageddon, but one should remember the Bible is God's Word and God Sword of the Spirit Ephesians 6: 10-20, not human weapons.
Jesus fighting with God's Word, the Bible, and a Sword out of his mouth, so do also therefore God's bride, and elected 8 noa ones and Elijah leader and the few in Elijah group etc.
by Keith Wells
In a very short time, we covered many issues concerning the traditional set up of how we conduct a typical church service. Understanding that we as a church have been without a "paid full time minister" for over 2 years, opting instead to pursue the ministries God has put in the body.
Over these two years we have seen the most growth, spiritual invigoration and personal growth our church has ever experienced in it's 25 year history. To jump to the prophecy, we finished the evening off feeling very excited about God taking us in an even more open and informal direction for our church services, allowing the body to minister to each other instead of "the paid professional minister" and that we want to rid ourselves of the traditional trappings of a typical Pentecostal church service. What this totally means, who knows, but we felt strongly it was God's will and intent. I closed with a prayer, and was led to speak the following prophecy/vision:
I saw a large whitewashed tower in a somewhat half built fortification. This whitewashed tower was taking up most of the space inside this fortification, and the Spirit revealed to me it was Satan's presence in the church. This tower was whitewashed with both false righteousness and demonic traditions within the church. More significant is what I saw and heard next. God said, that he will rise up the individual within the church, and as they take their place and authority within the church body and structure ... they will each start taking a brick out of this tower, eventually weakening it and causing it to crumble. In the vision I saw the crumbled tower, destroyed by the saints of God reaching up and taking out the bricks it was made of.
But behind the tower, coming out from behind it, were poor, ragged, weak and emaciated saints of God. They had been overshadowed and dominated by the shadow of this tower and they came staggering so to speak, out from behind it into the light of God. In my mind, the understanding was given that this tower had been spiritually suffocating the saints, but God said he is in the process of bringing this tower down.
The fact that Satan could have such a position and prominence in the church structure and tradition is serious cause for evaluating and scrutinizing our way of handling the living organism called "the church." God free us from the bondage of what was ... move us into a vibrant and powerful body, created in equality and openness, where everyone is an active part, and esteemed as such. Father release the ministers of God that are caught in the mold of being "the Pastor" and bring them out into the knowledge of what you offer not just through them but your whole body. Tear down the idols Father ... clean the house ... and set the saints free [end Quote]."
What does Bible, Gods Word Says:
All uncontrolled manifistations are not of God, if it happends uncontrolled, so the person have no controll over his or her body:
1 Corinthians 14:26-33
1 Corinthians 14:26-33
Good Order in Worship
26 What then shall we say, brothers and sisters? When you come together, each of you has a hymn, or a word of instruction, a revelation, a tongue or an interpretation. Everything must be done so that the church may be built up. 27 If anyone speaks in a tongue, two—or at the most three—should speak, one at a time, and someone must interpret. 28 If there is no interpreter, the speaker should keep quiet in the church and speak to himself and to God. 29 Two or three prophets should speak, and the others should weigh carefully what is said. 30 And if a revelation comes to someone who is sitting down, the first speaker should stop. 31 For you can all prophesy in turn so that everyone may be instructed and encouraged. 32 The spirits of prophets are subject to the control of prophets. 33 For God is not a God of disorder but of peace—as in all the congregations of the Lord’s people.
By this thing alone vision is false and unbiblically.
How to detect unbiblically evil false teachers and false prophets and false converts not yet truelly converted
"Isaiah 8:20King James Version (KJV)
20 To the law and to the testimony: if they speak not according to this word, it is because there is no light in them.";NKJV;NKJV
2 John 1:9-11King James Version (KJV)
9 Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son.
10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed (Greeting):
11 For he that biddeth him God speed (Greeting) is partaker of his evil deeds."
Biblically Truth About Communion:
God bless all.
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